Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Bordering On Magnificent FEARLESS

One of my decisions many years ago was to become fearless.
Is that an achievable goal?
In the current climate we live in,
where "stuff hits the fan" on an hourly daily or weekly basis,
how do we become fearless?

Is it even O.K. to be fearless?
I mean,isn't it being careless,
or in denial, or irresponsible of me
to not be constantly aware of all the impending doom
which COULD happen to me every second of the day?

If I don't strap all of that danger and drama and
despair on my shoulders every morning,
how am I going to carry it
from place to place
in the space I'm in each day???

Picture THIS:
Head pounding,
shoulders and upper body
are schlumped forward
from the weight of worry.

Now remember. . .
I do NOT do math,
I am quite positive that somewhere
there is a formula or ratio of Kilograms to Worry
that produces a bent over posture.

With the schlumping forward
the angle of the face and eyes
is now lowered to a view of the ground.

I like to call this:
The Land of Butts and Knees.

It is basically the same things small children
have to look at for the hours they are riding in a stroller.

Apart from osteoporosis
where someone has no choice in the matter,

I believe you can see that
this is not the best position
for letting your smile
and stunning personality
shine through.

Even on my difficult days,
I like to catch someones eye and
plant a huge smile
and a snappy comment on them.

REMEMBER Billy Crystal's:


Smile boldly and enthusiastically proclaim to someone today

"I LOVE that turquois tie (or dress or purse) on you!

or What a great hair cut!

or simply and possible best of all
What a beautiful smile you have!

When we lift our face and eyes
to look up to notice others,
our shoulders and body
and just maybe our Spirit
may follow and start looking up as well.

Yep, I am fearless!

I still double check the door locks
and curling iron and stove when I leave the house-
But I am fearless!

I still call my bank hot-line
many times throughout the day
to be sure I haven't bounced something-
But I am fearless!

I still keep looking through the bills
Multiple times...
But I am Fearless.

Death happens!
(to everyone)
(can't fix that)

Job Loss is imminent for most.
(but if I am not seen as valuable or essential
this is also not fixable at this point.)

Poverty is rampant!
( But a poverty of hope can be as debilitating as financial poverty)

I will not play POLLYANNA'S "glad game" (old Disney movie reference)
with the pain of others...
But neither will I just curl up,
and accept defeat.

I Am Fearless, because each and every day for years.....
I have feared less and less and less!

Stress and worry INTENSIFY pain.
They do not solve anything.
They weigh us down.


Today, Let's confidently lift our head up
and get our view off the ground
so we can GREET the answers, solutions,
and opportunities,which are presenting themselves,
(possibly in the face of the next person you greet
with a Hearty

Love and Peace of Mind,
Delight and Clarity of Purpose,
to you and those you love,

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Bordering On Magnificent PAIN

Where can we put the sadness?

Yes, I can see the glass as half full.

Yes, I can look on the bright side.

Yes, I can take the lemons in life and make lemonade.

But some things in life are real hard.
Or painful, overwhelming, scary,
Or they just plain stink.

You've heard me say it plenty of times...

Bordering on Magnificent.
Some days it's a feeling,
Some days it's a choice,
Some days it's a little of both.

Choosing to find a way to not cave in permanently,
IS Bordering on Magnificent!

Choosing to see through our fears or tears
beyond the next difficult moment,
IS Bordering on Magnificent!

Choosing to do another 24 hours, ( or even another hour )
IS Bordering on Magnificent!

Choosing our own way to nurture our hurting body, heart and mind,
IS Bordering on Magnificent!

Bordering on Magnificent is not denial or pretending,

It IS living "As If".

As If, in spite of real pain, we have a better moment coming.

As If the difficult thing you or I may be facing,
will not be fatal.

As If in spite of whatever circumstances we face,
we can take it one moment or one day at a time,
and continue to LIVE this moment,
knowing that some good and beautiful things,
are still around us.

Just like the incredible sunset and clouds after the storm tonight,
there is something beautiful waiting.
I learned tonight once again,
to Deal with what I know in the moment,
not what I could fear about the future.

My loved one says,
"Don't let it rent space in your head."

Let's Rock the Space We're In TODAY,
by doing what we can about what we know,
and then being open to accepting good news,
along with whatever challenges come our way.

Delight and Clarity of Purpose,
to you and those you love,

Monday, June 21, 2010

Bordering On Magnificent WANTING

I really DO want to get the things on my list done each day.

That is why I make a list.

To get things out of my head, on paper, and into action.

I wrote out a "Bucket List" years and years ago,
long before the movie or even the idea of such a thing
became popular.

One of the things that I put on the list was that I wanted to direct traffic.
Just once. Not as a job or a living. . . just as a one time opportunity.

Didn't know why or how it would happen, but then suddenly one night it did.

It was winter, night time and slightly snowing.
I was in a south-bound lane and there was a van stalled in the left turn lane.
I could see that no-one was realizing that the turn lane was blocked,
and so people were flying up on the lady and her kids in the van,
then jerking into the middle lane to go around her
while almost hitting other cars in the process.

I called 911 and pulled up a ways behind her
and began directing the traffic to allow the cars
which were stuck behind her to pull out,
and alerting the ones pulling forward to stop to avoid creating an accident.
This went on for about maybe 4 minutes or so till the police arrived.

Now I do not recommend getting out in traffic and doing this,
but at the moment I did it, it was the right thing to do for the safety of all concerned.

It did not even dawn on me till years later that it had been something on my list.

It is interesting how many of the things that I initially wrote down, as well as the things I have added to the list over time. . . HAVE actually happened.

I do believe that when we say things out loud and write our thoughts or intentions or wants, on paper, that they carry more weight and power than just letting them roll around in our heads.

I am getting bolder with my list.

I no longer write things like "I'd like to earn or have enough"...
I now write...I want and will have an abundance of everything I want and need to enjoy life and help others.

I think bigger now, because life has taught me that there is so much more possible than we sometimes dare to hope for.

Contentment is great, but there is a fine line between it and apathy.

Let's Rock the Space We're In by Living Out Loud !!!
For the next 48 hours write / or scribble if you must, any of the things you WANT
to have, to do, to be, to become, to see, to experience, and even people you want to meet, and places in the world you want to visit. Randomly take time to acknowledge your wants big and small by saying them out loud and or writing them down.

Enjoy the outcomes,
and let me know down the road what you discover.

Love and Peace of Mind,
Delight and Clarity of Purpose,
to you and those you love,

Friday, June 18, 2010

Bordering On Magnificent KAREOKEE

Did you ever enjoy just watching someone else
who was doing what they were BORN to do?

It might be someone like Paul Potts who was on Britain's Got Talent.
You remember ( or take a moment NOW and YOUTube him)
the AMAZING STUNNING THRILLING moment when he opened his mouth and that incredible VOICE came out. ( No REALLY, Stop right here, like I am going to and GO TO YOU TUBE and watch and listen to the WHOLE clip.)
I'll be here when you get back... I Promise!

WOW !. . . And he was spending his 40 hours a week selling mobile phones.

Hi! I'm Paul... Welcome to Such and Such Mobile phone company...
would you like to get a brand new zippy spiffy phone
and sign up for our blah blah blah package??


Is there ANY doubt in your mind that PAUL POTTS

No Doubt! HAD TO! It is what he was born to do!

BUT there is also something else Paul Potts was "Born to do."
Possibly an even bigger and greater thing...

I believe he was born to give us the moment
that you and I just witnessed again on YouTube.

Paul Potts was destined to have a moment
where he let us all see and remember again
that EVERYONE has greatness and a purpose inside of them.

Not everyone was meant to sing,
or to be famous for acting or being a world class chef
or to have a talk show, or cure cancer...

But if we are alive and kicking to ANY extent,
with a breath left in our body...
I believe we were born
to acknowledge, encourage,
value and give hope to others who are in,
or "pass through" The Space We're In!

Rock The Space you are In,
doing and experimenting with
the things you feel passionate about,
and maybe having a Paul Potts moment of your own.

Love and Peace of Mind,
Delight and Clarity of Purpose,
to you and those you love,

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Bordering On Magnificent No Regrets

Regrets are heavy things.

I've lifted and carried some heavy things in life,
around my house, on the job, on my mind and in my heart.

I've helped move a car, a piano, lifted people, boxes and clothing at work.
I've moved furniture,
(Amy and I used to move furniture on a rug
and LOUDLY sing the "magic carpet song"
from the Disney movie Aladdin
as we pulled the piece across the floor.)

I've carried the weight of too many bills and not enough income,
I've carried the heaviness of being misunderstood by those I loved.
I've carried the pain of others and the confidences of many,
I have carried 2 children in my body
and these 2 and many more in my heart.

But the HEAVIEST suckers
I have ever carried... were REGRETS!

Regrets are absolutely crippling!

Regrets are the slipperiest suckers to get a grip on.

They obstructed my view of all of the enjoyable things
in my present moments and in my path ahead.

AND They Would Never stay where I put them,
Nope,...just kept rolling around in my head
at random times,
like when I was trying to sleep,
or focus on something good,
or plan a better tomorrow.

I found out a long time ago that
The Best I can do...
is the best I Can do.
At this moment.

Regrets TAKE Time.

They take up SOOOOOOOOO much of life.

I stopped having time for them years ago.

I KNOW that I am doing my best
each day and each moment.

I know what my strengths are
and the areas I want to grow stronger in.

When something dressed up as a regret approaches,
I tend to say,
"Dude... I know that I kinda sucked at that,
but I did the best I knew how to do at the time."

I make choices now, not planning or willing to have regrets.
I always have the ability
to take the Great Thing from the experience
and move on into the new path.

This also leaves little tolerance for those
who want to judge me or others
by what they think they know about them,
or who rate others and their future by their past.

The good news is, this way,
I actually like the people I spend time with.


NAME your next regret "DUDE"
Have a very brief conversation with it,
and then move FORWARD.....JoyFULLY.
(and tell me about it.)

Love and Peace of Mind,
Delight and Clarity of Purpose,
to you and those you love,

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Bordering On Magnificent Another Day

Was Today a new day for you ? ? ?

How about Tomorrow ? ? ?

Every day is new but sometimes it can seem
like every day is just the "same old same old" .

Do you have many things that you do daily...
routine things???

What do you think you'd like to be doing
10 minutes from now?...
10 months from now?
10 years from now?

Do you want to be doing the same "daily" things years from now?

If not. . . read the book 10-10-10- by Suzy Welch.

Are there any priorities that we can add to our day today
that may increase the enjoyment of our lives tomorrow ? ? ?

One of mine is to be planning my day the night before.

Another priority I've added is to be
taking care of how I look and feel each day.

I've stopped living by default and want to encourage
everyone else to as well.

Rock the space you're in ! ! !

That's how we can possibly make the space we are in tomorrow
even better !

Love and Peace of Mind,
Delight and Clarity of Purpose,
to you and those you love,

Sunday, June 13, 2010


Do I Do My Best ? ? ?

Do You Do Your Best ? ? ?

Do I Believe that people really are doing the best they can at a given moment

in spite of all the variables in their day?

I believe that Lauren and her team at Hot Rods
the Hamburger place we ate at today, did her very best.

The tables were set up for the 10 of us before we even arrived.

Our big group was welcomed warmly and treated with genuine kindness and patience
as we settled in and placed our orders, even
with the groups many questions about "pricing specials"
and some joking as well.
Coleslaw made fresh for us...
and frosty Mugs of great root beer...

but then the soup came after the hamburgers...O.M.G.

To order soup and a burger and and stuff
and then have the soup come later than the burger. . .
is this really a problem?

I didn't think so, and I still don't.
Maybe slightly out of the usual order it was wanted,
maybe ordering more food than some were hungry for,
but a problem?. . No.

Thank you for a great meal!

So for the next 48 hours...
Let's all ROCK THE SPACE WE'RE IN with:
for those who are trying their best to serve and assist us.

Love and Peace of Mind,
Delight and Clarity of Purpose,
to you and those you love,

Saturday, June 12, 2010



Nick and I were on the same SOUTHWEST AIRLINES flight to San Diego .

We only talked for a moment when I asked him for the name of the HUGE book he was reading.

It is called The First Tycoon. I will probably need Cliff Notes to understand it...

but the fact that this guy Nick thought it was worth bringing on the flight to read

somehow made it intriguing to consider reading it myself.

Who did You see or talk to today that INTRIGUED You???

Did YOU encounter anyone who made you want to try something difficult,
or just beyond your personal skill set???

Just Think...

Rock The Space You're In ! ! !

Love and Peace of Mind,
Delight and Clarity of Purpose,
to you and those you love,

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Bordering On Magnificent BETTY WHITE

Sat down and watched a few minutes of the show My Wife and Kids.

BETTY WHITE is on it playing a house keeper for the family.

In the past month I heard she has been on S.N.L.and other shows as well as in some upcoming movies.

Now.. . . . .Did you ever see someone who you thought was dead, but then found out that they were still alive?????

BETTY WHITE is still alive and kickin' and
rocking the space where she is...and lately she is ALL OVER THE PLACE !

Do you feel like parts of your life are dead zones?

Do you find yourself feeling like you are at an ending. . . .
of something...or of anything?


Betty White has not re-invented her self,
she is just putting who she has always been
out there and we are still loving her.!!!

putting myself OUT THERE once again.
Who knows what new thing, or beginning
will happen today!

How about you???
Are you READY to RECEIVE a new start??


Love and Peace of Mind,
Delight and Clarity of Purpose,
to you and those you love,

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Bordering On Magnificent VACATION

Before reading...check out my launch video ! Joy

It's on youtube as: Bordering on Magnificent

Yep, I am back from San Diego and people are saying they almost didn't recognize me.
A real vacation will do that to you. But even when we stay home or have no time off from the day job, we can still have a mental change of pace and location in our head and in our perspective.

Shopping in San Diego included stops at 2 stores,
The GOODWILL resale store in Point Loma CA , and The CLOSET in the Westfield Mall in downtown San Diego CA .

My look and feel is Bordering On Magnificent... For almost no cash.
The HUGE thing was shopping with my 22 year old Daughter Amy.
Being with someone who is as edgy or freed up as you feel or want to feel...
can help move us out of what ever rut we may be in, mentally or wardrobe wise.

Saturday. . . Amy and I spent the afternoon with my mom and her friends and about 150 women who were all dressed in VICTORIAN clothing and accessories for a beautiful Victorian tea at the San Diego Woman's Club.
Again. . . a great experience of doing something totally "out of the box"

Monday... We went to see Sex and the City 2 with my mom (77) and 4 other Senior Friends including ONE lone male. The 6 of us made quite a harem for Jeff.

My mom and her life long best friend Shirley are both BORDERING ON MAGNIFICENT !
And they are like day and night .. . but they are so good together.

I believe that SAMENESS is highly overrated !
Oil and vinegar do not mix, but you can make one hell of a salad dressing with them
and a few spices.

Sometimes changing or as I prefer. . . ADDING new and different people,
personalities and activities to your world will be a gift to yourself
and to those in your space as well.

Although we are seemingly like day and night, my co-worker Liri at the day job and I had a Mini Moment a few months ago where she taught me the importance of Family, friendship, and spending time connecting with those who are far away.

Thanks to Liri being openly sad and astonished at the lack of connection I have with family,
I made time to spend this past week in San Diego with my mom and daughter, and am now working on a visit to my sister who I haven't seen in 17 years. Hugs Liri!
You Rocked the Space you're in, and enhanced our family's world!

Who do you think you already know? Who is someone you have seemingly little in common with? Try putting on a pair of huge or dangley earrings... or put on a skirt perhaps if you only wear pants...and
Take a mini vacation this week.

PRETEND that you are a tourist, dress differently or add an accessory you wouldn't normally wear or feel comfortable with (Check out Goodwill)..possibly strike up a conversation with someone different than your self, even if you know, live or work with them every day, Let's suspend our usual judgements of others and see what we create, or receive.

Rock the Space You're In
! ! !

Love and Peace of Mind,
Delight and Clarity of Purpose
to you and those you love,


Monday, June 7, 2010

BorderingOnMagnificent Sushi

SUSHI. . . .

O.K. . . . First 5 seconds.... what are you thinking?

Mentally running through a list of your favorite sushi spots, favorite rolls, or possibly revisiting really good times with loved ones or business associates over a great meal?

Possibly the first thoughts were...I've had that...and it wasn't my thing.


Three years ago I disliked fish and did not even eat tuna salad or filet o fish from "Micky D's"" golden arches. If you asked me, I'd say...I don't like fish. It tastes too...well.. you know. . . ..Fishy! But upon further thought I'd realize that I LOVED Shrimp and Crab legs. Sushi. . No. RAW fish ...No.

Did I mention that three years ago, I was also carrying 74 extra pounds on my body???

I was eating mindlessly and frequenting places multiple times a day where "Everybody knew my name" and made me feel at HOME. The only liquid I consumed for years was Diet Coke and in a way that "BRAND" WAS "ME".
It felt good to be holding a can of Diet Coke in my hand or pulling through the drive through to get my Super Size Diet Coke and a smile from my friends on Lagrange Road.

Dropping 74 pounds and keeping 60 of it off for over a year and a half didn't come by counting and can'ts and by carefulness... It came off because I started to CARE about MYSELF and CREATE ways of DELIGHTING myself, and TREATING myself instead of living in fearfulness and stress and JoyLessNess.

Eating "regular" foods like french fries and chicken tenders with chopsticks was a big part of shaking up the usual patterns in my head and in my day. I would eat outside or in the center court in the mall and passers by would SMILE at me or strike up a conversation about how unusual and fun it was to see someone use chopsticks.

Something as simple as learning to juggle my food with a couple of sticks was not only making ME healthier ( I felt fuller faster...and actually TASTED my food.) but also creating a "mini moment" with random strangers! ! !

ALONG WITH USING CHOPSTICKS... I ADDED FOOD! Lots of it! I added good foods like eating at Schoops at the mall, every day. ( The Food AND the People who work there are BORDERING ON MAGNIFICENT !!!) I Added DARK chocolate every day, Edemame from Trader Joes! (healthy filling, and fun to eat!) ONLY ADDING FOOD...NO DEPRIVATION...NO RULES!

Using chopsticks, learning to play chess...Taking a belly dancing class for a couple weeks...eating outside...trying Sushi...or painting your fingernails black ( or dark teenager blue)for a couple weeks can RESET what you think you know about yourself, your possibilities and your purpose for being on the planet.

Can You Think For Yourself???? Can You Decide For Yourself?
Can You Make Changes that feel good rather than "Trying" to change, because you "Should"?

We are all better than we think we are,
but we only feel as magnificent as we give ourselves permission to be.

For The Next 2 Weeks...Add Or Try Something NEW or renew a forgotten pleasure.

Grab some extra chopsticks from Panda Or your local chinese takeout and carry them like you do a pen. USE THEM RANDOMLY.. at home and in public...DON'T WAIT to get good at it !!! It is NOT about what you look like or using them with skill...It Is About Learning and Enjoying and having Fun NOT BEING PERFECT!

Let me hear about your experiences!


Love and Peace of Mind,
Delight and Clarity of Purpose,
to you and those you love,

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Bordering On Magnificent Creating Smiles

If you are one of my beloved customers at "the day job".. . . (Yes...I really DO care about and enjoy you!) . . . you already know of my intentions to open a coffee/martini bar on the open counter space next to my FAVORITE register by the mall doors.

I recently informed my store manager Dave who I respect and admire.. . . ..about my plans for this beverage venue. I told him that I've found it easier to ask for forgiveness rather than permission but wanted to give him a "heads up".He smiled. .. ( I like to make him smile )

I still have not given up on my year long quest to create
AND fill the the job of "Bed Mannequin " in our store.
I feel I would excel in this position and could enhance the atmosphere of the store by being the "Go-To Girl" for information about merchandise as well as the location of essentials such as the washrooms, elevators, concert ticket sales area and shopping carts,...all while making the sheets, covers and pillows look absolutely yummy and irresistible.

For the next three days. . .Take what you "do" and make it exceptional, quirky, or delightfully fun. . . for yourself and for those around you!
And tell me about it.


Love and Peace of Mind, Delight and Clarity of Purpose
to you and those you love,

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Bordering On Magnificent THE TAJ MAHAL

GREAT day with MyMom andMyDaughter in SanDiego
You will hear about that tomorrow... ( or see it on the news???)

I heard this story years ago and asked mom for a re-telling to share with you.

Mom had been on her own in Chicago since my dad kidnapped my sister and I in 1963 and left for Las Vegas with moms best friend and her daughter.
No worries ! We 3 kids were fine and mom started building a new life including getting a job that same week.
Eventually ( in 1980) this life led her to Burbank California, working retail security for the Broadway Department stores. During these years, her love of travel continued and she planned a trip to Nepal. It was an amazing trip...but then again, mom can make a trip to Target an adventure.
Somehow, due to unforseen circumstances she was not able to see the Taj Mahal before arriving at the airport to depart for home. A fellow traveler Anuk was horrified that she had come all that way and missed seeing " His TAJ " Yes... he actually said " Joan, you must stay and see My TaJ. Mom insisted that she couldnt as she had no hotel and was expected back at work and "couldn't afford " to lose her job. Anuk insisted that his sister and brother in law would allow her to stay at their home and be her guide to the Taj Mahal and see her off from the airport.
Anuk was an influencial man, a reporter for the Delhi Times Paper, and even offered to cable or
phone from his office to speak with moms boss about the change in plans.

BUT. . . being a loyal employee AND needing her job she reluctantly declined the offer and flew home. Upon her return to work the co-workers were abuzz with questions about her trip. Especially. . .How Was The Taj Mahal ? ? ? Silence . . . my mom explained that she had missed it due to having to return to work. Her manager said incredulously...HOW COULD YOU GO ALL THAT WAY AND NOT SEE THE TAJ MAHAL????????You should have stayed!!!
Mom said- yes, you are saying that now but if I had it would have been a different story. I was afraid I would lose my job!
Well... My mom stopped being afraid of nearly anything that day... She looked at me after telling that story to me years ago and said...

. . . .FOR ANYTHING ! "

Rock the space you're in!

What will you, or did you do today
to not miss a Taj Mahal moment in your own life?
Let me know.
Love and Delight, Peace of Mind and Clarity of Purpose
to you and those you love,

Friday, June 4, 2010

Flying On Southwest Airlines Customer Service 101

There is a menu of "sips" or available beverages on a card in the seat back on this flight.
I study it and decide on a diet coke (free) and a Chardonnay by Coastal Ridge for $5.00
After the selection of snacks (take as many as you'd like) are passed...here come the beverages.
I attempt to hand my $5.00 bill to the flight attendant, and she says with a smile
" Oh, The first one is on me."

What? The price was clearly marked...$5.00, but she is offering me a free one first? No jumping through hoops? No frequent flyers coupon required? No dicking around???

(It turns out . . . after I offered her the $5.00 for a second glass of wine later in the flight that Southwest only takes credit cards, but this lovely woman only mentioned that AFTER giving me the second one "on her")

Her smile, kindness and demeanor never changed...and what could have been an embarrassing moment or one which was voiced for all to hear was handled graciously and with class.

WOW! Southwest Airlines associates who are TRUSTED and freed up to offer GENUINE customer service without fear of losing their job!

Southwest Airlines Respecting and Trusting that the people that THEY interviewed and hired, WILL make the BEST decision for the customer AND the company.
Gotta LUV Southwest Airlines !

TRUST worthy people who are trust WORTHY
( including yourself )
and share your story with me !


Love and Delight, Peace of Mind and Clarity of Purpose
to you and those you love,

Thursday, June 3, 2010


Flying into San Diego to see my mom and daughter yesterday. My flight and 2 others were delayed 2 1/2 hours. No fussing- no angry faces or grumblers...everyone friendly patient and understanding. Why??? We were all flying on Southwest Airlines. Southwest has a strong history of making their employees #1. Yes...go back and re-read that last line. Their EMPLOYEES are #1. Their customers are #2. Southwest RESPECTS and treats their employees exceptionally well and in turn their associates treat their customers with exceptional and GENUINE appreciation respect and service.

READ the book NUTS by Kevin and Jackie Freiberg
Southwest Airlines Crazy Recipe for Business and Personal Success
ISBN # for purchase 0767901843 or get it from your local library TODAY
Read this book if you own a business
Read this book if you are a manager or manage a business
Read this book if you are building a business
Read this book if you are getting laid off fired or retired
Read this book if you are 10 to 100 years old a man,woman mom dad single parent
Read this book if you are single engaged married or looking
and let me know what you think.
M.S. (More Stuff ) My Flying Buddies next to me said that their son had THIS BOOK as required reading for the Masters program at San Diego State!!!!


Try saying " I CAN help you" for the next 24 hours.
See what you create around you.

Love and Delight, Peace of Mind and Clarity of Purpose,
to you and those you love,

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

I told you where you could find me and you did it !!!

I believe that we are all . . . Bordering On Magnificent .

I don't think that " I don't know " is a complete sentence .

I don't know. . . but let me find the answer is much better.

Lets try that for a couple days....

Rock the space you're in ! ! !

Love and Peace of Mind and Clarity of Purpose to you
and those you love,
Hey! Welcome to my page. I'm Joy and I am BORDERING ON MAGNIFICENT.

Rock the space you're in ! ! !