Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Bordering On Magnificent FEARLESS

One of my decisions many years ago was to become fearless.
Is that an achievable goal?
In the current climate we live in,
where "stuff hits the fan" on an hourly daily or weekly basis,
how do we become fearless?

Is it even O.K. to be fearless?
I mean,isn't it being careless,
or in denial, or irresponsible of me
to not be constantly aware of all the impending doom
which COULD happen to me every second of the day?

If I don't strap all of that danger and drama and
despair on my shoulders every morning,
how am I going to carry it
from place to place
in the space I'm in each day???

Picture THIS:
Head pounding,
shoulders and upper body
are schlumped forward
from the weight of worry.

Now remember. . .
I do NOT do math,
I am quite positive that somewhere
there is a formula or ratio of Kilograms to Worry
that produces a bent over posture.

With the schlumping forward
the angle of the face and eyes
is now lowered to a view of the ground.

I like to call this:
The Land of Butts and Knees.

It is basically the same things small children
have to look at for the hours they are riding in a stroller.

Apart from osteoporosis
where someone has no choice in the matter,

I believe you can see that
this is not the best position
for letting your smile
and stunning personality
shine through.

Even on my difficult days,
I like to catch someones eye and
plant a huge smile
and a snappy comment on them.

REMEMBER Billy Crystal's:


Smile boldly and enthusiastically proclaim to someone today

"I LOVE that turquois tie (or dress or purse) on you!

or What a great hair cut!

or simply and possible best of all
What a beautiful smile you have!

When we lift our face and eyes
to look up to notice others,
our shoulders and body
and just maybe our Spirit
may follow and start looking up as well.

Yep, I am fearless!

I still double check the door locks
and curling iron and stove when I leave the house-
But I am fearless!

I still call my bank hot-line
many times throughout the day
to be sure I haven't bounced something-
But I am fearless!

I still keep looking through the bills
Multiple times...
But I am Fearless.

Death happens!
(to everyone)
(can't fix that)

Job Loss is imminent for most.
(but if I am not seen as valuable or essential
this is also not fixable at this point.)

Poverty is rampant!
( But a poverty of hope can be as debilitating as financial poverty)

I will not play POLLYANNA'S "glad game" (old Disney movie reference)
with the pain of others...
But neither will I just curl up,
and accept defeat.

I Am Fearless, because each and every day for years.....
I have feared less and less and less!

Stress and worry INTENSIFY pain.
They do not solve anything.
They weigh us down.


Today, Let's confidently lift our head up
and get our view off the ground
so we can GREET the answers, solutions,
and opportunities,which are presenting themselves,
(possibly in the face of the next person you greet
with a Hearty

Love and Peace of Mind,
Delight and Clarity of Purpose,
to you and those you love,

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