Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Bordering On Magnificent PAIN

Where can we put the sadness?

Yes, I can see the glass as half full.

Yes, I can look on the bright side.

Yes, I can take the lemons in life and make lemonade.

But some things in life are real hard.
Or painful, overwhelming, scary,
Or they just plain stink.

You've heard me say it plenty of times...

Bordering on Magnificent.
Some days it's a feeling,
Some days it's a choice,
Some days it's a little of both.

Choosing to find a way to not cave in permanently,
IS Bordering on Magnificent!

Choosing to see through our fears or tears
beyond the next difficult moment,
IS Bordering on Magnificent!

Choosing to do another 24 hours, ( or even another hour )
IS Bordering on Magnificent!

Choosing our own way to nurture our hurting body, heart and mind,
IS Bordering on Magnificent!

Bordering on Magnificent is not denial or pretending,

It IS living "As If".

As If, in spite of real pain, we have a better moment coming.

As If the difficult thing you or I may be facing,
will not be fatal.

As If in spite of whatever circumstances we face,
we can take it one moment or one day at a time,
and continue to LIVE this moment,
knowing that some good and beautiful things,
are still around us.

Just like the incredible sunset and clouds after the storm tonight,
there is something beautiful waiting.
I learned tonight once again,
to Deal with what I know in the moment,
not what I could fear about the future.

My loved one says,
"Don't let it rent space in your head."

Let's Rock the Space We're In TODAY,
by doing what we can about what we know,
and then being open to accepting good news,
along with whatever challenges come our way.

Delight and Clarity of Purpose,
to you and those you love,

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