Monday, June 21, 2010

Bordering On Magnificent WANTING

I really DO want to get the things on my list done each day.

That is why I make a list.

To get things out of my head, on paper, and into action.

I wrote out a "Bucket List" years and years ago,
long before the movie or even the idea of such a thing
became popular.

One of the things that I put on the list was that I wanted to direct traffic.
Just once. Not as a job or a living. . . just as a one time opportunity.

Didn't know why or how it would happen, but then suddenly one night it did.

It was winter, night time and slightly snowing.
I was in a south-bound lane and there was a van stalled in the left turn lane.
I could see that no-one was realizing that the turn lane was blocked,
and so people were flying up on the lady and her kids in the van,
then jerking into the middle lane to go around her
while almost hitting other cars in the process.

I called 911 and pulled up a ways behind her
and began directing the traffic to allow the cars
which were stuck behind her to pull out,
and alerting the ones pulling forward to stop to avoid creating an accident.
This went on for about maybe 4 minutes or so till the police arrived.

Now I do not recommend getting out in traffic and doing this,
but at the moment I did it, it was the right thing to do for the safety of all concerned.

It did not even dawn on me till years later that it had been something on my list.

It is interesting how many of the things that I initially wrote down, as well as the things I have added to the list over time. . . HAVE actually happened.

I do believe that when we say things out loud and write our thoughts or intentions or wants, on paper, that they carry more weight and power than just letting them roll around in our heads.

I am getting bolder with my list.

I no longer write things like "I'd like to earn or have enough"...
I now write...I want and will have an abundance of everything I want and need to enjoy life and help others.

I think bigger now, because life has taught me that there is so much more possible than we sometimes dare to hope for.

Contentment is great, but there is a fine line between it and apathy.

Let's Rock the Space We're In by Living Out Loud !!!
For the next 48 hours write / or scribble if you must, any of the things you WANT
to have, to do, to be, to become, to see, to experience, and even people you want to meet, and places in the world you want to visit. Randomly take time to acknowledge your wants big and small by saying them out loud and or writing them down.

Enjoy the outcomes,
and let me know down the road what you discover.

Love and Peace of Mind,
Delight and Clarity of Purpose,
to you and those you love,

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