Friday, June 18, 2010

Bordering On Magnificent KAREOKEE

Did you ever enjoy just watching someone else
who was doing what they were BORN to do?

It might be someone like Paul Potts who was on Britain's Got Talent.
You remember ( or take a moment NOW and YOUTube him)
the AMAZING STUNNING THRILLING moment when he opened his mouth and that incredible VOICE came out. ( No REALLY, Stop right here, like I am going to and GO TO YOU TUBE and watch and listen to the WHOLE clip.)
I'll be here when you get back... I Promise!

WOW !. . . And he was spending his 40 hours a week selling mobile phones.

Hi! I'm Paul... Welcome to Such and Such Mobile phone company...
would you like to get a brand new zippy spiffy phone
and sign up for our blah blah blah package??


Is there ANY doubt in your mind that PAUL POTTS

No Doubt! HAD TO! It is what he was born to do!

BUT there is also something else Paul Potts was "Born to do."
Possibly an even bigger and greater thing...

I believe he was born to give us the moment
that you and I just witnessed again on YouTube.

Paul Potts was destined to have a moment
where he let us all see and remember again
that EVERYONE has greatness and a purpose inside of them.

Not everyone was meant to sing,
or to be famous for acting or being a world class chef
or to have a talk show, or cure cancer...

But if we are alive and kicking to ANY extent,
with a breath left in our body...
I believe we were born
to acknowledge, encourage,
value and give hope to others who are in,
or "pass through" The Space We're In!

Rock The Space you are In,
doing and experimenting with
the things you feel passionate about,
and maybe having a Paul Potts moment of your own.

Love and Peace of Mind,
Delight and Clarity of Purpose,
to you and those you love,

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