Saturday, August 28, 2010

Bordering On Magnificent INDIFFERENCE

What is the opposite of LOVE?

Most people would answer HATE.

I read this thought from the book
The Four Hour Work Week and TOTALY agree.
The opposite of LOVE is NOT "hate"

The opposite of LOVE, is INDIFFERENCE!

You can be passionate about hating someone.
You can be passionate about disagreeing with someone.

Either of these is preferable to being treated with indifference.

When we disregard others
when we act with indifference,
we are making a physical statement about their worth in our eyes,
when we Physically choose not to look at or acknowledge someone's presence,
we are sending the message that they do not exist in our space.

This can be a useful way to clear the space you're in
of people and energy that is not genuine or beneficial
especially when you have exhausted all other means of creating
a healthy space to rock.

It should not, however, be the first choice in most cases.

Giving people an OPEN door to walk in through can start with a smile,
or a sincere complement,
or simply acknowledging that we are glad
to be sharing space and even
literally breathing the same air.
I imagine that even those miners
who have been trapped for HOW MANY DAYS NOW?
are grateful for the companionship of those around them.

Who can we give that gift to????

Rock the space you're in by focusing on someone you are sharing
your space at work at home at school
or the line at the grocery store with.

Love and Peace of Mind,
Delight and Clarity of Purpose,
to you and those you love,