Friday, January 18, 2013


I believe that the ONLY time we were meant to be in  "the same air " for any length of time is in an Elevator,
or in a COFFIN.

Why do people often wait and save and long for the day they get to go on a CRUISE, only to come down with some kind of illness while on their dream vacation. 

I believe it is the same reason that people often don't get well while they are in the hospital.

They are breathing old air.

Even with all of the technology, and things like HEPA filters and such to purify the air we breathe, we are still breathing USED air every time we are in enclosed spaces.

It doesn't matter whether we are at work, or doing something more enjoyable, human beings NEED FRESH AIR.

With all of the concerns people have currently about the flu that is going around this winter, you would think that people would be spending more time away from contaminated places.

I believe this would include spending more time outside, out of doors, rather then at the mall or even in their own homes, or cars.

People mistakenly believe that it is cold weather that causes colds and infections, but fresh air, even fresh cold air is actually quite stimulating and healing for the human body.

Let's all rock the space we're in this weekby CHANGING the spaces we are in, and going OUTSIDE for a bit each day

BREATHE that cold air in deeply,
FEEL alive and awakened,
AND start LIVING....
OUT of The Box!

Love and delight,
peace of mind, and
CLARITY of Purpose,
To you and those you love,