Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Bordering on Magnificent SHOWERING

Maybe at some point,
you've been too busy to shower.

I mean, really,...
life can get SO busy
or you can become too exhausted to drag your body
into the tub for that all important
and much needed bath.

Maybe you've been in the hospital,
or had a surgery or accident that keeps you laid up in bed for a bit.

We could even get too depressed to care what we smell like...
it happens...

A Bath will do the job.
It may be relaxing for some.
But I Love showers.
The temperature is a constant,
(No going from hot to lukewarm)
No lying in bath water filled with sweat,dirt,and dead skin cells.

Nope, with a shower all the "stuff" of the day
just swishes right down the drain.

Wouldn't it be great if ALL of the "Stuff" of life
could be washed right down the drain?
In spite of my fondness for sweating
(see my previous post)
Feeling Clean is a good feeling.

in the bathroom??????

Next chance you get,
It doesn't need to be a long one
It can be hot or cold if you prefer.
But as we shower,
Let's think of the "STUFF" in our own life we would like to feel rid of...
Worries, regrets,choices, relationships,
ways that we've supposedly not measured up,
and any other stuff that we don't need to carry around on our skin any more.

Let it all just wash down the drain
till you can actually feel refreshed,
and alive again,
and maybe even...Tingly!!!

And while you shower...
belt out your favorite song.
AND...let me know what it was.

Love and Peace of Mind,
Delight and Clarity of Purpose,
to you and those you love,