Monday, October 4, 2010

Bordering On Magnificent RESPECT

Who doesn't want to be liked?

Being liked seems to be near,
or at the top of many peoples lists.

Bob Burg says
"People will do business with those that they know. like, and trust."

Being liked is a good thing.

But I have also found in my many years
"Rocking The Space I'm In". . .
that people in work situations at their job,
often worry about being liked by everyone,
rather than being respected by the essential people.

Who do you RESPECT where you work?
We should show respect to everyone,
but who are the essential people
that you admire and actually have respect for?

These are generally those who are problem solvers not blamers.

This is the person who gives you the TOOLS and INFORMATION
to do the job successfully.

This person does not walk in "mouth first"
but rather; enters a situation,
with their eyes and ears, observing...
usually many minutes before they are even noticed.

You do not find them gossiping about others,
because they are far to busy
finding solutions and working on situations.
The person who is worthy of RESPECT
is the one who will go TO you with a concern.

They are the ones who invite comments
which seek resolution or solutions,
they are not into negative whining and pessimism.

I want to be more and more each day
a person who is worthy of respect
by the way I RESPECT others.

I don't really want to be "liked" by everyone...
I desire and earn the respect
of the essential people in my life
by growing each day,
and learning from what those whom I respect
have taught me over the years.

RESPECTING the Essential ones in your life,
You are NOT 5 years old!
You can not "Get in Trouble" at work...
You can only get "fired"

Loose the fear!!!
Live Fully!

Love and Peace of Mind,
Delight and Clarity of Purpose,
to you and those you love,