Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Bordering On Magnificent VACATION

Before reading...check out my launch video ! Joy

It's on youtube as: Bordering on Magnificent

Yep, I am back from San Diego and people are saying they almost didn't recognize me.
A real vacation will do that to you. But even when we stay home or have no time off from the day job, we can still have a mental change of pace and location in our head and in our perspective.

Shopping in San Diego included stops at 2 stores,
The GOODWILL resale store in Point Loma CA , and The CLOSET in the Westfield Mall in downtown San Diego CA .

My look and feel is Bordering On Magnificent... For almost no cash.
The HUGE thing was shopping with my 22 year old Daughter Amy.
Being with someone who is as edgy or freed up as you feel or want to feel...
can help move us out of what ever rut we may be in, mentally or wardrobe wise.

Saturday. . . Amy and I spent the afternoon with my mom and her friends and about 150 women who were all dressed in VICTORIAN clothing and accessories for a beautiful Victorian tea at the San Diego Woman's Club.
Again. . . a great experience of doing something totally "out of the box"

Monday... We went to see Sex and the City 2 with my mom (77) and 4 other Senior Friends including ONE lone male. The 6 of us made quite a harem for Jeff.

My mom and her life long best friend Shirley are both BORDERING ON MAGNIFICENT !
And they are like day and night .. . but they are so good together.

I believe that SAMENESS is highly overrated !
Oil and vinegar do not mix, but you can make one hell of a salad dressing with them
and a few spices.

Sometimes changing or as I prefer. . . ADDING new and different people,
personalities and activities to your world will be a gift to yourself
and to those in your space as well.

Although we are seemingly like day and night, my co-worker Liri at the day job and I had a Mini Moment a few months ago where she taught me the importance of Family, friendship, and spending time connecting with those who are far away.

Thanks to Liri being openly sad and astonished at the lack of connection I have with family,
I made time to spend this past week in San Diego with my mom and daughter, and am now working on a visit to my sister who I haven't seen in 17 years. Hugs Liri!
You Rocked the Space you're in, and enhanced our family's world!

Who do you think you already know? Who is someone you have seemingly little in common with? Try putting on a pair of huge or dangley earrings... or put on a skirt perhaps if you only wear pants...and
Take a mini vacation this week.

PRETEND that you are a tourist, dress differently or add an accessory you wouldn't normally wear or feel comfortable with (Check out Goodwill)..possibly strike up a conversation with someone different than your self, even if you know, live or work with them every day, Let's suspend our usual judgements of others and see what we create, or receive.

Rock the Space You're In
! ! !

Love and Peace of Mind,
Delight and Clarity of Purpose
to you and those you love,
