Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Bordering On Magnificent Another Day

Was Today a new day for you ? ? ?

How about Tomorrow ? ? ?

Every day is new but sometimes it can seem
like every day is just the "same old same old" .

Do you have many things that you do daily...
routine things???

What do you think you'd like to be doing
10 minutes from now?...
10 months from now?
10 years from now?

Do you want to be doing the same "daily" things years from now?

If not. . . read the book 10-10-10- by Suzy Welch.

Are there any priorities that we can add to our day today
that may increase the enjoyment of our lives tomorrow ? ? ?

One of mine is to be planning my day the night before.

Another priority I've added is to be
taking care of how I look and feel each day.

I've stopped living by default and want to encourage
everyone else to as well.

Rock the space you're in ! ! !

That's how we can possibly make the space we are in tomorrow
even better !

Love and Peace of Mind,
Delight and Clarity of Purpose,
to you and those you love,

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