Tuesday, February 26, 2013





Even one bite of Sushi perhaps.

If what's being done "ain't" working...
.......why not try the opposite?

Tonight,....  a shower,......
for a body that's had nothing but illness and pain for days and weeks,
was Good Medicine.

Tonight.....a visit...
and being in clean clothes and clean bed sheets was Good Medicine.

Tonight...talking was not good medicine,   laughter or humor was not good medicine...even  bringing the usually desired snacks, was not good medicine.

Only silence, and fresh clothes, and help with a shower, ...oh....and a peppermint foot  massage before I left.  
Now That"s Good Medicine.!

Let's Rock the Space Were In
(Even if its somebody else's Space)
By only doing what can
and being o.k. with the painful things
that we are not able to make good for others.

Love and clarity of purpose

Peace of Mind and delight
To YOU and those you love,

Sunday, February 24, 2013


No regrets.

Living life without looking over ones shoulder,  not constantly fearful of making a mistake, or regretting decisions actions words or choices,  made in the past.

Wow that sounds fairly healthy to me, that sounds like someone who recognizes ways they could have possibly done things differently or perhaps even better then they did in life, but since their life is still in process, trying to live without regrets, gives one the ability to keep moving forward, hopefully creating better circumstances, instead of giving up.

Have you ever run into a brick wall head first?

Have you ever started to freeze up and lose the ability to move forward?

Not a good feeling is it?

What I know is
REGRETS  are heavy little bastards.   
They rob you of energy
and love.

I believe that even when going through major challenges,  if we will treat ourselves and those around us
with understanding and forgiveness,
we will be able to continue
moving towards a goal,
the prize,
the end of our journey
with grace
and class
and  yes even Delight.

In life everyone makes their own choices and decisions,
usually to attain a sense of happiness comfort or peace,
but what happens when things don't go the way they desired?

Some give up on themselves or others out of weariness, out of always being "wrong" or out of not being able to figure out a better way to do life .

What if instead of feeling defeated, we gave up our Regrets?

What if we said to ourselves that

"THIS is a NEW day...and I will do what I can with THIS 24 hours.". . . . .

. . . .And then CELEBRATE whatever we choose  to about THIS day,

No Regrets.

Use THIS 24 well!

And Rock The Space You're In.

Love and Clarity of Purpose,
Delight and Peace of Mind,
To you, and those you love,


Saturday, February 23, 2013

" Based On A True Story "

Watched about 5 movies today.
Most of the movies were  "based on a true story. "
     I hardly ever do something like this or spend my day this way,  but today I guess I was watching the creativity strength and vision of others,
while wanting to make  my life Worth basing a true story on.

In my current role,   I see myself taking bigger chances, and working without a net, much like a trapeze artist.

I don't look down,
keep a firm but flexible grip
am focusedbut relaxed enough to see the next opportunity as it presents itself.
and am not distracted by the gasps or applause of the crowd in the circus tent.

I'm not the RingMaster
or the Clown
or the bearded lady..

I'm just
swinging  from one trapeze
to the other,
three stories up
with a  smile on my face,
trusting in the life skills I've learned
while on the road.

BTW....  Trapeze Artists have great
bodies and sharp reflexes
from being stretched.

Based on a true story.
That's mine.
and I'm stickin' to it.

Love and Clarity of Purpose
Peace of Mind and Delight
to you and those you love,

Wednesday, February 20, 2013


I got a text. 
Actually I get this text from a friend every now and then saying...
What's up?

I Love that.

What's up?

Well... I am now...because you decided to take a moment to connect. 

Doesn't matter if I have anything exciting to share...

You let me know I have been thought of today.

You will have a story to tell about your day that will make me laugh.

You interrupted the flow of the past 24 hours to share your life.

You asked me what was interesting, funny, or challenging in my life today, and asked me about my plans for my future. ...and told me about yours.

You asked me questions about making more of a life for myself with my business and with a meaningful occupation.

What's Up???

I AM.    

....Because with a simple text...you remind me to value  and care for myself and TAKE ACTION on my future.

Early, and Confident and Ready to
Rock The Space I'm In
( and anywhere within 10 miles)

Love and Peace of Mind
Delight and Clarity of Purpose
To you and those you love,

Monday, February 18, 2013


Repetition is good, even great

Like playing scales while learning to play the piano or saxophone.

Doing a certain number of "reps" when working out,   especially with weights.

Saying phrases in a new language like French or Latin  over and over until you begin  to pronounce the words with the correct accent.

And who doesn't remember repeating times tables almost in their sleep
so that the right answer sprang from your lips in the classroom
when  your 3rd grade teacher
Mrs. Abazoris held up the flashcard that said         7 × 7 =

REPETITION can be good.
REPETITION often serves a purpose.
REPETITION can indelibly imprint .something important...even VITAL in your mind that could save you
Or even......(like CPR)......

Its interesting and ever so slightly amusing to me that people who will listen to ONE genre of music,

( literally, the SAME songs  from the same "classic" radio station, daily, over and over for years )

........ will have NO tolerance for
hearing  /  receiving the same words
or message from a loved one or family member, ......even tho. it was not truly received the first time around.

Something VITAL to a relationship,
or to a life itself, should bear repeating if necessary... but is more likely to be viewed as nagging or preaching.

The Crucial insight here is.....

If something is shared in the Spirit of Love...by someone who is your Loved one.....


However challenging or difficult the topic may be; .....if the intent of sharing is to heal or improve or better someone's  relationships, circumstance, situation, or understanding ..

WHY would the words NEED to be REPEATED in the first place?

Its Ironic to hear..

" Didn't we already go over THAT earlier? ".     when asking a loved one for a response that involves feelings rather than just a mindless factual assent to what was previously shared.

Actually, the reason for most of the Drama that is created

by someone's Unwillingness to take the words of another to heart THE FIRST TIME,

Is that the person who cares the most in the situation

will continue to try sharing 
in hopes of  creating more intimacy and  possibilities....

...only to be dismissed as a " nag "

I Say....

Don't care so much.

DON'T continue to INVEST
where there is no mutual return and VALUATION. placed on your
and Intentions.

Do NOT go back to the buffet
for a second plate of crazy.

You have a Life to LIVE....

Rock The Space You're In
by stating the truth

and letting the chips
FALL where they may!!!

Oh... and remember...
to sweep them up.......

You'll be too busy LIVING
to be cleaning up someone  else's

Love and Clarity of Purpose,
Delight and Peace of Mind,
and those you love,

Thursday, February 7, 2013


I spent today and part of last night
re-doing my room. 
There are other worthy pursuits I could have spent that time on... 
but instead, I spent the time on ME.

The Room has been "in process"
for a while, and I finally added the touches that say:

A Wild Wonderful Woman Lives Here.

There was an antique coo coo clock in  the kitchen that was buried in the corner.  It now hangs just inside my bedroom door...tick tocking out it's rhythmic patter and the familiar song each hour as the happy little bird makes his  delightful appearance.

This Space I'm Rocking is now fun, inspiring, full of color and energy, and music that stimulates my brain and my metabolism!

I have a compact " stepperunder the bed which I now have the adrenaline and desire to use.  
I pull it out each day and crank my music to sing and step with until  I meet up with my old familiar friend...SWEAT

( see previous post on this subject; sweat.)

As I said...
There ARE other things I could or even ought to be working on,

...but I am finding that as I transform my surroundingsI am getting hungrier for better things in my life, AND going after them!

OH. By the way...

The room is still painted the same hideous green, and the pink carpeting is severely old and  damaged, but even though I envision a great paint job,
and clean laminate floorsI did NOT  wait to  start ROCKING THIS ROOM until I could do it perfectly.

I began with imperfect conditions and am working with what I have until this room AND I are both...
  Bordering On Magnificent!

Rock The Space  
( and the places) you're In Now.
and just see if it brings more Life, Health, Excitement, Adrenaline, and
Yes...even $$$$
and other Abundance your way.

(And then tell me about it!)

Love and Peace of mind,
Clarity of Purpose,
To you,
and those you love,

Friday, February 1, 2013


Whatever is on your mind...
If you want to know....
This is Dangerous...
but may be the most FREEING
thing you will ever DO.

CLARITY can be challenging,
But removing the drama and
clutter from our heads and our lives
will not hurt anyone.

what the desired outcome is
and hopes for creating the  best future possible for everyone
is a worthy goal.

How do you know what the best possible relationship feels like?....
the best possible life work?....
the  BEST place to live and
move and breathe in?.......

How do you KNOW...
unless you decide to take the LEAP
that is required to find out.

You take that leap without a safety net, and without any baggage.
You jump with BOTH feet  into the unknown with only the clothes on your back, and confidence that any move is better than standing still for one more day.

There is no keeping one foot in the past while testing the waters of a new job. or relationship or life. 
There is only going " Balls Out " to
ROCK whatever SPACE we WANT ( or THINK we want to be in).

That is the ONLY way to know if Paris or doing your passion and calling, or being balls out who you are...will work for you.

Rock The Space You're In this week and see how it feels to be REALLY YOU...in your own skin.

Love and clarity of purpose
DELIGHT and peace of mind,
To you...and those you love,