Sunday, February 24, 2013


No regrets.

Living life without looking over ones shoulder,  not constantly fearful of making a mistake, or regretting decisions actions words or choices,  made in the past.

Wow that sounds fairly healthy to me, that sounds like someone who recognizes ways they could have possibly done things differently or perhaps even better then they did in life, but since their life is still in process, trying to live without regrets, gives one the ability to keep moving forward, hopefully creating better circumstances, instead of giving up.

Have you ever run into a brick wall head first?

Have you ever started to freeze up and lose the ability to move forward?

Not a good feeling is it?

What I know is
REGRETS  are heavy little bastards.   
They rob you of energy
and love.

I believe that even when going through major challenges,  if we will treat ourselves and those around us
with understanding and forgiveness,
we will be able to continue
moving towards a goal,
the prize,
the end of our journey
with grace
and class
and  yes even Delight.

In life everyone makes their own choices and decisions,
usually to attain a sense of happiness comfort or peace,
but what happens when things don't go the way they desired?

Some give up on themselves or others out of weariness, out of always being "wrong" or out of not being able to figure out a better way to do life .

What if instead of feeling defeated, we gave up our Regrets?

What if we said to ourselves that

"THIS is a NEW day...and I will do what I can with THIS 24 hours.". . . . .

. . . .And then CELEBRATE whatever we choose  to about THIS day,

No Regrets.

Use THIS 24 well!

And Rock The Space You're In.

Love and Clarity of Purpose,
Delight and Peace of Mind,
To you, and those you love,


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