Friday, February 1, 2013


Whatever is on your mind...
If you want to know....
This is Dangerous...
but may be the most FREEING
thing you will ever DO.

CLARITY can be challenging,
But removing the drama and
clutter from our heads and our lives
will not hurt anyone.

what the desired outcome is
and hopes for creating the  best future possible for everyone
is a worthy goal.

How do you know what the best possible relationship feels like?....
the best possible life work?....
the  BEST place to live and
move and breathe in?.......

How do you KNOW...
unless you decide to take the LEAP
that is required to find out.

You take that leap without a safety net, and without any baggage.
You jump with BOTH feet  into the unknown with only the clothes on your back, and confidence that any move is better than standing still for one more day.

There is no keeping one foot in the past while testing the waters of a new job. or relationship or life. 
There is only going " Balls Out " to
ROCK whatever SPACE we WANT ( or THINK we want to be in).

That is the ONLY way to know if Paris or doing your passion and calling, or being balls out who you are...will work for you.

Rock The Space You're In this week and see how it feels to be REALLY your own skin.

Love and clarity of purpose
DELIGHT and peace of mind,
To you...and those you love,

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