Read this post tomorrow afternoon.
Tuesday, January 29, 2013
Monday, January 28, 2013
Writing on walls
Some things just seem inappropriate. Inappropriate to who?
Small children have no problem laying on the floor, just about anywhere, when they are tired.
But when is the last time you saw an adult lay down in line at the bank or grocery store or in a restaurant. Probably never, unless they were having a seizure and surrounded by paramedics. Adults just don't do that kind of thing.
Teenagers wear their pants sagging off their behinds , and teenage girls often wear pajama pants in public places,
but have you seen adults or even senior citizens wearing their pajamas in public?
Not usually....unless their fashion choice is accompanied by dementia.
So there are SOME things that people tend to view as inappropriate.
Likely these same "sane" authorities on the behavior of others, would judge that writing on walls is inappropriate.
Likewise, for writing on furniture, no matter how important inspiring and meaningful the words are.
Words are meant to be written down only in appropriate places like in books journals and on paper.
Little kids scribble on walls with a crayon, and we call it a mess.
But on the Mister Rogers show.... pictures on walls were called murals.
Why wouldn't a 4 year old think that the artwork he or she sees in their mind is worthy of displaying on the wall of their home for everyone to see and enjoy.
How many hours do we spend taking pictures daily and yearly of holidays birthdays vacations and other celebrations, only to put these pictures in a drawer or a scrapbook or on a zip drive or file in our computer
never to be looked at, enjoyed, or shared with others,
...and often only in a video created for either a wedding or funeral.
I stayed up till 3 o'clock this morning writing quotes words and thoughts that are important to me on a white cabinet in black sharpie marker.
I've had this wardrobe for a number of years now, and have used it to hold everything from books to clothing, to office supplies for my business. For a couple years it even held boxes of my journals, and photos.
I rarely looked through these things, and in remembering just how brilliant many of the words I wrote in the past were, I felt the need to put them where I would see them daily.
For me, the most appropriate place was to write them in black marker on this white cabinet.
Upon finishing at 3am I finally went to bed , satisfied with my project.
When I woke this morning I was greeted with wise amazing truthful inspiring words from my own mind,
and i was reminded that my gift for being inappropriate really is the gift of being a person freed up from the constraints and judgements of others.
Didn't the Egyptians write and draw on their walls???
Today I Rocked The Space I'm In creatively.
Next time maybe I'll try laying down to rest in the mall.?????
Love and delight
peace of mind
and clarity of purpose,
to you and those you love,
Sunday, January 27, 2013
This post was from April 2013
There are so many things you can learn
by watching videos on YouTube so I am going to find out the basics thereand then ask my niece for some tips, I know the types of rolls I like so the first few trys will be things I've already had.
I'd like to eat sushi more often, but it is very pricey to go out for it, other than at the cafeteria in the hospital downtown. Making it at home will not only be a new adventure, but also a healthy departure from the microwaved Toninos Pizza rolls and Ramen Noodles I so often whip up when too tired to make a real meal for myself.
This week I began making huge plates of salad with cranberries nuts and sessemee seeds' so now that the cleaning out detoxing process is going well, ADDING good Protein with fish avacados and other good things really sounds like a great plan.
ALL THAT ( and a bag of chips)
Did you ever find yourself ,
or someone you're with
being more excited,
interested in
or even enthralled
by something
or someone you had.....
in the past?
Maybe an email or letter, a text...
...or better yet,
a phone call,
takes you instantly back
to what ever
floated your boat in the first place.
Maybe it was a previous house, or job,
or neighborhood, or lover or friend you moved on from,
but now just the thought, mention of it
or a word from them
sets your universe back in perfect order.
Easy to have those feelings when something is "new" again.
Easy to imagine and reminisce about "how good"
and "what fun" it all was.
Well WAKE up and
Stop providing people
a place to rest their head,
but Not their heart...
to bare their bottom,
but Not their soul.
If the past was
You...( or That Person )...
needs to get off their tricycle,
and GO THERE for good!
Obviously there are reasons that
the past looks great in the rearview mirror...
no daily friction, or commitment,
or any of the other zits of life...
...but putting an ounce or more
of the time and energy that's been
DEVOTED to regurgitating days gone by
In your head...
could make all the difference in truly LIVING
and CELEBRATING what grew up
from the ashes of your past.
Love and Peace of mind,
Clarity of Purpose,
To you,
And those you love.
Friday, January 25, 2013
Today is my "Day Off".
I Really am re-thinking that.
On a day off from the day job, exhaustion can cause me
to stay in bed a bit longer,
to begin my day a bit slower,
and watch more morning television than on a work day.
Then the tasks that need to be accomplished begin,.....oil change,
bill paying, dentist appointment, groceries, etc..........
Maybe a few phone calls or cards mailed to family, then ...???????
Starting TODAY.
I will no longer be
HAVING a day off,
I will be
my day off.
For me this means getting enough rest the night before, to be able to rise up early, and attack my list of necessary tasks, AND things that amuse, delight and give me pleasure!
I am going to head out after this
oil change, and DO my day off!!!
Rock the Space You're In this week a NEW way.
( and then tell me about it!)
Love And peace of mind
Delight, and CLARITY of PURPOSE,
To you and those you love,
Friday, January 18, 2013
I believe that the ONLY time we were meant to be in "the same air " for any length of time is in an Elevator,
or in a COFFIN.
Why do people often wait and save and long for the day they get to go on a CRUISE, only to come down with some kind of illness while on their dream vacation.
I believe it is the same reason that people often don't get well while they are in the hospital.
They are breathing old air.
Even with all of the technology, and things like HEPA filters and such to purify the air we breathe, we are still breathing USED air every time we are in enclosed spaces.
It doesn't matter whether we are at work, or doing something more enjoyable, human beings NEED FRESH AIR.
With all of the concerns people have currently about the flu that is going around this winter, you would think that people would be spending more time away from contaminated places.
I believe this would include spending more time outside, out of doors, rather then at the mall or even in their own homes, or cars.
People mistakenly believe that it is cold weather that causes colds and infections, but fresh air, even fresh cold air is actually quite stimulating and healing for the human body.
Let's all rock the space we're in this week, by CHANGING the spaces we are in, and going OUTSIDE for a bit each day!
BREATHE that cold air in deeply,
FEEL alive and awakened,
AND start LIVING....
OUT of The Box!
Love and delight,
peace of mind, and
CLARITY of Purpose,
To you and those you love,
Thursday, January 10, 2013
It's easy to wash and wear the same bra every day. It's been far easier than actually shopping for a new bra.
This is a difficult task because shopping for a bra includes having to walk down aisles that are meant for trolls and other fairy book characters
While navigating these narrow spaces in the lingerie or intimates Department at most major retailers one must be careful not too knock down half their merchandise while looking for something that fits.
Today was a whole new experience. Someone had given me a JC Penneys gift card for 25 dollars. Not only was I shocked to find many pairs of good quality jeans, but I was amazed that 25 dollars could actually by me a really pretty, quality bra.
The store was organized uncluttered spacious clean and full of simply and nicely merchandised clothing and accessories at reasonable prices.
Best of all, the manager for the petites Department saw me checking out the bras, and told me SHE would take over ringing at the register so that I could have Carol her expert bra fitter assist me.
Another customer shopping in the area begin to brag about Carol and how excellent she was and helping her find her perfect size.
I was not disappointed. Carol is awesome!!! She heard what my preferences were and help me select a few choices to try on.
Out of those, we narrowed it down to my first and second choice. Having a gift card I only planned to buy 1 bra, but I realized I could afford to buy the second bra, and throw away the 1 being held together with a safety pin for the last 6 months.
What's the point Joy???
How is this rocking the space I'm in?
Well as I see it, most people put off for far too long simple things that would make their life easier, more comfortable , and more beautiful.
It may be a matter of dollars, or doing, or drive, or desire.... But once the leap is taken, there is no turning back.
It's time to ask for a bag to put that worn out old bra in and leave it in the garbage can as you walk out of the store wearing some great fitting pretty.
And it may be time to put some other things that no longer fit in the garbage and walk out into your new pretty great fitting LIFE.
Rock the space you're in this week , get intimate with your dreams and desires, and let me hear how your fitting them into your next 24 hours.
Love and peace of mind, delight and clarity of purpose, to you and those you love,
Wednesday, January 9, 2013
PREGNANT. (with possibilities)
ORIGINALLY PUBLISHED MONTHS AGO. ( It may mean more now. )
A young woman I know;
just had her first baby.
She is hard working funny serious kind strong smart beautiful loyal honest fun direct easygoing responsible ...and Will be an awesome mom.
How do I know this?
Because she will do her best.
She will try.
She will have the support of family and friends that genuinely care about her and admire her as a young but capable and loving person.
Life is challenging
Times are difficult
And tears come along-side the grins and giggles in life.
As with everything else we attempt to do in life, there will always be people standing ready to measure judge evaluate correct or underestimate the value of her abilities and parenting decisions.
...but from the moment she looks into her child's eyes, she will see that there is someone who already knows that she is trustworthy; and who will someday be singing ...
" My Mom's The Best Mom In The Whole Wide World"
She is Definitely going to Rock The Space She's In as a mom.
Love and Peace Of Mind,
Delight and Clarity of Purpose,
to you and those you love,
Tuesday, January 1, 2013
Bordering On Magnificent. ABILITIES
If the skill sets personalities
and gifts and abilities of those who share the space we're in were truly valued,
celebrated and appreciated
then we would be cheering on and enjoying the wonderful outcomes of mutual success
rather than burrying the victims of those who have not found a place in life to make a positive contribution.
Lets help those who pass through the space we are currently rocking,
by noticing appreciating and encouraging their gifts and abilities to be fully displayed and valued.
Let's Rock The Space We're In this week by speaking honest words of recognition to those we encounter.
Love and DELIGHT
peace of mind
and clarity of purpose
to you and those you love,