Monday, January 28, 2013

Writing on walls

Some things just seem inappropriate. Inappropriate to who?

Small  children have no problem laying on the floor,  just about anywhere, when they are tired.

But when is the last time you saw an adult lay down in line at the bank or grocery store or in a restaurant. Probably never, unless they were having a seizure and surrounded by paramedics. Adults  just don't do that kind of thing.

Teenagers wear their pants sagging off their behinds , and teenage girls often wear pajama pants in public places,
but have you seen adults or even senior citizens wearing their pajamas in public?
Not usually....unless their fashion choice is accompanied by dementia.

So there are SOME things that people tend to view as inappropriate.

Likely these same "sane"  authorities on the behavior of others, would judge that writing on walls is inappropriate.
Likewise, for writing on furniture, no matter how important inspiring and meaningful the words are.

Words are meant to be written down only in appropriate places like in  books journals and on paper.

Little kids scribble on walls with a crayon, and we call it a mess.
But on the Mister Rogers show.... pictures on walls were called murals.

Why wouldn't a 4 year old think that the artwork he or she sees in their mind is worthy of displaying on the wall of their home for everyone to see and enjoy.

How many hours do we spend taking pictures daily and yearly of holidays birthdays vacations and other celebrations, only to put these pictures in a drawer or a scrapbook or on a zip drive or file in our computer
never to be looked at, enjoyed, or shared with others,
...and often  only  in a video created for either a wedding or funeral.

I stayed up till 3 o'clock this morning writing quotes words and thoughts that are important to me on a white cabinet in black sharpie marker.

I've had this wardrobe for a number of years now, and have used it to hold everything from books to clothing, to office supplies for my business. For a couple years it even held boxes of my journals, and photos.

I rarely looked through these things, and in remembering just how brilliant many of the words I wrote in the past were, I felt the need to put them where I would see them daily.

For me, the most appropriate place was to write them in black marker on this white cabinet.

Upon finishing at 3am I finally went to bed , satisfied with my project.

When I woke this morning I was greeted with wise amazing truthful inspiring words from my own mind,

and i was reminded that my gift for being inappropriate really is the gift of being a person freed up from the constraints and judgements of others.

Didn't the Egyptians write and draw  on their walls???
Today  I Rocked The Space I'm In creatively.
Next time maybe I'll try laying down to rest in the mall.?????

Love and delight
peace of mind
and clarity of purpose,
to you and those you love,

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