Sunday, July 25, 2010

Bordering On Magnificent TWITTER

NO. . . This is NOT a TWEET!!!!!!!!!

READ this morning's earlier post first!

Just taking a moment to share that whether it is
Hanging out re-connecting for 4 hours
as Valarie and I just did
(sitting in a booth at McDonalds)

Or just a quick cup of coffee
with an old friend
between errands...

Re-connecting with the right people in your life
is a very good thing.

That said...
There are people who are good for us, and us for them,
and there are the rest of the people on the planet.

Who do YOU spend most of YOUR life (and time) with??????

It is your life after all,
and we live with our choices.
Even if the people you are around the most are family,
is that the best and healthiest choice for you, and for them?

Being around people who see the glass as half full,
even in the midst of their personal struggles,
is life giving.

This is true of good old friends,
and also of how to choose new people to share space with.

It applies to those in their 80's 50's 30's or teens and younger...
Spend some time with others who are where you want to be at in life.

Let's choose to BE someone who lifts others up by celebrating
their successes and their silliness with them.

Let's share space now and then with others
who can re-live and appreciate and value
the moments and milestones in life.
This can be expanding and challenging.
It helps us to remember what we have already accomplished
and gives a vision for all we are still capable of.

Let's spend time occasionally with someone
who can laugh till we both pee our pants (just a little)
This is a great way to re-charge
and see past the brick wall in front of us.

These ideas go back to occasionally eating with chopsticks
and other previous posts about
skipping on out of our "ruts" and comfort zones.

Let's get together this week with someone who knows the real us.
Not the ones who have the expectations
of how we always are and what we should act like.

Sometimes the person we become
bit by bit and year by year
is just a shadow of who we are created to be.

Spending some time with others who help us remember what it means to
"jump out of a perfectly good airplane"

and maybe then
we will have a bit more LIFE in us to share
with those we share space with
at work, at school, at home, on the road,
or even in a line at the store.

Love and Peace of Mind,
Delight, and Clarity of Purpose,
to you and those you love,

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