Sunday, July 25, 2010

Bordering On Magnificent VACATION TIME

That looked like vacation time up in the heading, didn't it?

But it's really: vacation...TIME.

I have approximately 197 hours
from this morning
through 3PM on Monday August 2nd
when I return to the "day job".

I would still have all of these hours even if I was not on vacation time,
but the urgency and opportunity to USE THEM WELL has even more potential this week.

Will I use them well??? or Squander them to sleep and mindless activities???

I know what I need and want to accomplish this week.
I know that having a plan and working the plan is the only way
to succeed at accomplishing my goals.

I already have made a most excellent choice in spending the next few hours...
I called a friend Valarie that I have not spent time with for quite a while,
and we are going to meet in a half an hour to re-connect.

There will be laughter!
There will likely be tears too at some point.
There may also be some kind of unplanned adventure...

Being with Valarie is a great way to start a great week of accomplishing things.
She has worked as hard and as consistently
at building a good life in spite of obstacles
as anyone I know.

Along with all of her other gifts to the planet...
She has raised a wonderful human being (her daughter Ashley)
with strength, love, grace and HUMOR!

I could hang out at home this morning,
I could go to church,
I could meet with a business consulting partner,
I could go to the library in search of motivation...

All Good Things....

But instead Valarie and I are going to
this morning, together again, re-grouping,
and laughing till we pee our pants (just a little)

Some of you
(probably MOST of you)
are much better at connecting with friends than I am.

SO. . . .
If you are like me...
call someone today
that you have let slip through the cracks of your busy life,
and just say "HEY!!!!"

Love and Peace of Mind,
Delight, and Clarity of Purpose,
to you and those you love,

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