Sunday, July 25, 2010

Bordering On Magnificent MOTIVATION

I Am Still Becoming.

I know what my biggest obstacle in life is
and I am working daily on growing in spite of it.


Because I have identified it.
And now I am FREE to FOCUS
Not on my obstacle,
but on my FUTURE.

The things I choose to DO with my life,
and the things I choose to talk about are
(for the most part)
the plans and activities and thoughts that move me forward.

Sometimes we are moving down the road,
ready for the next adventure ahead,
with a beautiful sky above us,
gorgeous trees or mountains or fields or even the Ocean alongside of us,
a nice breeze, or light refreshing shower or an awe inspiring thunder storm
with an incredible lightning show (whatever floats your boat)

. . . . . .
then all of a sudden we will look over our shoulder
and notice some "RoadKill" laying in the road.

Next we'll start remembering that road kill,
and begin to think about it,
and comment on it to others,
and describe it and even try to identify what it may have been
before it got run over.

Right Here and Now!

Let's Look at the road ahead
as an adventure we are ready to move toward.

The "road kill" happened and is not worth focusing on
and going back to look at it over and over
and take a big deep sniff of it's decaying carcass...
That's the same as going back to get another plate of crazy from the buffet!

should be in the form of
acknowleging needed resources,
aquiring new information and skills,
attempting new things
and accomplishing what we humanly can.

(All of those start with the letter "A". Get it?)

If I ran the zoo...
The grade "A" or even "A+" would be given
for this kind of healthy effort,
and healthy focus.

Love and Peace of Mind,
Delight and Clarity of Purpose,
to you and those you love,

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