Monday, April 27, 2015


I Said It.
On paper.
To the person it needed to be said to.

For years we can say things to friends, or to co-workers, or to God,
thinking that we will get clarity, or courage, or validation.

There are hundreds of reasons 
NOT to say things directly.
(and ALL of them are based in fear)

Maybe the person will be hurt, or angry or unreasonable.

In a career related situation we just may hear something that we didn't want to believe, 
(like asking for a dollar raise and finding out you are only valued at a three cent raise.)

In a relationship situation you may not want to realize that                   
"He's Just Not That Into You!"

And finally in some situations
we don't want to face that                         "This is as good
as it's ever going to  get".

I've experienced the beauty of that tonight.

Directness is empowering
and honest, brave, and freeing.  

Vague is Painful.
Vague is Wimpy.
Vague is often deceitful.
Vague is enslaving.
Vague dishonors the other person as well, by assuming ( sometimes rightly so)
that they will not handle directness well.

Perhaps they have a history of dismissing you.    (move on)

Perhaps they will let you know how little they value you.   (move on)

Perhaps they will no longer want to be in a relationship with you.  (move on)

Perhaps they will attempt to manipulate your feelings or blame you,  (move on)

Are we seeing a pattern here?

Directness is only available to us when we have confidence that We ARE of Extreme Value and have purpose that is not dependent on the will or whims of others.

Vagueness was changing me into a bit of a drama queen who was unable to focus on what really matters.
(Thanks to the gentle DIRECTNESS of my closest friends,  that's so Done.)

Are YOU being VAGUE in ANY area of your life?  Well... in quite a few areas in my life it has taken me much longer than I care to admit.

My New Motto is:
"Suck it up Buttercup!!!"

Lay it on the line!
Get On With Living!!!
Spit it out!
Ask it!
Ask FOR it!!
Say It!!!
and if they sit there
pretending they just don't "get it"....
Spell it out on PAPER...
and Move ON.

Directness closes doors
that are meant to close,
and opens doors
that you were created to walk through!

Rock The Space You're In  this week
by being DIRECT, and let me know how that worked for you.

Love and Delight
Clarity and Peace of Mind
to you and those you love,


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