Thursday, September 9, 2010

Bordering On Magnificent MOVEMENT

Are you constantly moving???
Are you always going places but not quite getting somewhere?
Some jobs entail moving or driving or traveling.
Even the job of being a mom has a lot to do with
being everywhere at once.

A really great way to move is Bike Riding.

Riding a bicycle in one direction,
ending up somewhere,
and turning around and riding straight back.
over and over
every day,
is a good way to break the flow of "running around"

By doing this,
you can get used to looking for the bumps in the road,
as well as observing the same scenery change every day.

You will begin to build up momentum and endurance each day,
and you may even begin to SWEAT!

(see prior posts about enjoying and celebrating SWEAT)

I know that "Running around in circles" as many people I have met call it...
gives about the same results in life as "Spinning our wheels".

I have personally seen the results of riding for endurance and speed,
and gradually beating my own best time, each time.
I believe this is worth getting up early for...
before the traffic clogs the roads...
and before others get in their cars
and begin "Spinning their Wheels"...

I recommend using a a walkman,
(ooops!!! I meant an MP3 player or IPOD I guess
I still remember cassette players)

Anyway... bring along some music that supports your goals and dreams,
even if it is the same songs every day!

I am getting back into this practice of riding in a straight line,
early in the morning,
for endurance and speed and conditioning my physical body
to run a clearly defined race
instead of just
"Running to the buffet to get another plate of crazy"

"For the next 3 to 5 business days"
Moving With Purpose!
And let me know what this
"Empty Box Time" does for you!

Love and Peace of Mind,
Delight and Clarity of Purpose,
to you and those you love,

Bordering on Magnificent LIGHT

Who is it that makes your eyes light up??????????

Have you ever had someone's eyes "Light Up"
when YOU walked into a room???

Some People say that this is a universal experience needed for the very HEALTH of kids
and really all human beings

YESTERDAY at the day job,
I witnessed the mom of a new born (actually a 3 month old)

Looking at her son,
and smiling at him,

and talking to him,
and in a day and age where many moms are content
to plunk a dvd player in front of the face
of a child
who is facing "away from them" in a stroller....
. . .THIS MOM...was ENGAGED with her baby!!!

She was letting him know his "SPACE IN THIS WORLD"

And by choosing to interact with him
in such an animated and loving way,
she is affirming that he is HUGE in HER world...
AND in THIS world!

He is SEEING and HEARING from this awesome mom,
that he is

Eye contact is essential to growing a relationship.

Rock The Space You're In

by making eye contact
Your friends
your family
your kids
and yes even your clients and customers

See if it makes a difference,
and then tell me about it!

Love and Peace of Mind,
Delight and Clarity of Purpose,
to you and those you love,

Wednesday, September 8, 2010


Strangers meet and then they are not necessarily strangers any longer.
They may become acquaintances.
Then they may even become friends.
Sometimes they may even become loved ones.

It all depends on our perspective
as to what qualifies someone
to hold the position in our life that we give them.

Sometimes people will fill a certain spot in your life
that wasn't ever filled before.
Like a B.F.F. (Best Friend Forever)

Or you will meet someone who is a kindred spirit,
a person you can feel comfortable and happy with
as you share things that you are both excited about,
sometimes not even needing to talk,
sometimes finishing each others sentences
or even blurting out the same thing at the same time,

Maybe it is a person that holds a special place in your heart
just because they are fun to be with.
This is the person who helps you get away from it all by being
not only comic relief,but has common life experiences,
and may be a break from thinking about the daily chores of life.

Sometimes a person is special
just because of what you go through together, or get through together.
They may be the only person to "be there" when others aren't.

People will usually tell you
what part of the space they are in
that they want you to share.


Not everyone is meant to be
in the same space,
at the same time.

Make an agreement with yourself
to be clear
about what you want in a friendship.

If it is freedom, be honest.
If it is wanting a family to belong to...say so.
If you are just looking for fun and friendship,
don't play as if you want more.

This is not about male and female relationships exclusively,
it is about choosing to have people in your life,
and being in others lives,
in a way that is the best for everyone.

When you stay too long in something,
it can create resentment.
Bitterness can start to grow from unfulfilled
or unspoken expectations.

This is also what I call
"Going to get another plate of crazy from the buffet"

For the next 48 hours
by writing down the kind of person or persons
you would like to be friends with.

Think of the qualities
you would like to have in your traveling companions
on this life journey...

and also think about the personal qualities and interests
you would like to develop and share with others from your own life.

Life can be much better as you get clarity about
what you want,
and begin to attract those relationships you genuinely desire,
and lovingly let go of those which no longer are
or never were working.

Life is too short to simply exist.
Better to be in a space of your own and be content,
than sharing space out of habit.
Rock The Space You're In,
with those you truly want to do life with.

Love and Peace of Mind,
Delight and Clarity of Purpose,
to you and those you love,

Monday, September 6, 2010

Bordering On Magnificent HEALTH

I am enjoying SUMMER!

I have not yet given in to the thought that with cooler weather arriving

winter is also waiting in the wings.

Thinking way ahead is not my particular skill set.

I tend to live in the moment
or "Rock the Space I'm In"

but I've developed an appreciation for wanting more
and planning for a future.

By living with less clutter,
there is room to do the really important
and even the more enjoyable things with my time.

We spent the evening with good people last night and even met some new ones.
After working hard all day,
I enjoyed the pleasure of relaxing with others.

Conversation yesterday at "the day job" about non essentials
such as "more clothing"
and "More Clutter" . . .
Conversation last night
about peoples lives and interests.

Health requires a balance.

talking...and quiet
movement...and stillness
clothing and no clothing. . .
no. . .

There is a time for everything.
Even a time for feeling angry, and sad and fed up.
It is SO O.K. to speak out about the things
that frustrate hurt or just bug you.
It's actually MORE than O.K.
It is essential to HEALTH
to speak the truth.

I am finding that it is best to speak out to one
who can actually DO something about the situation.
Best of all to speak the truth
to the person who is creating the situation.

I am still experimenting and growing in this
I've been better at letting it roll off.
But then again,
I have been putting some of the 74 pounds I lost 3 years ago,
back on.

SO. . .no more letting things "roll off"

Things really don't just roll off to "nowhere"
...they eventually roll under your skin and create discomfort...
and I believe...

Lets "Rock The Space We're In" TODAY
by saying what we feel
and what we mean...
and letting the chips fall where they may.

I'm Finding that:

Those that love us will love and respect and understand us better,

those that don't
will be too busy
"getting themselves another plate of crazy from the buffet"
to care.

Love and Peace of Mind,
Delight and Clarity of Purpose,
to you and those you love,