Thursday, September 9, 2010

Bordering On Magnificent MOVEMENT

Are you constantly moving???
Are you always going places but not quite getting somewhere?
Some jobs entail moving or driving or traveling.
Even the job of being a mom has a lot to do with
being everywhere at once.

A really great way to move is Bike Riding.

Riding a bicycle in one direction,
ending up somewhere,
and turning around and riding straight back.
over and over
every day,
is a good way to break the flow of "running around"

By doing this,
you can get used to looking for the bumps in the road,
as well as observing the same scenery change every day.

You will begin to build up momentum and endurance each day,
and you may even begin to SWEAT!

(see prior posts about enjoying and celebrating SWEAT)

I know that "Running around in circles" as many people I have met call it...
gives about the same results in life as "Spinning our wheels".

I have personally seen the results of riding for endurance and speed,
and gradually beating my own best time, each time.
I believe this is worth getting up early for...
before the traffic clogs the roads...
and before others get in their cars
and begin "Spinning their Wheels"...

I recommend using a a walkman,
(ooops!!! I meant an MP3 player or IPOD I guess
I still remember cassette players)

Anyway... bring along some music that supports your goals and dreams,
even if it is the same songs every day!

I am getting back into this practice of riding in a straight line,
early in the morning,
for endurance and speed and conditioning my physical body
to run a clearly defined race
instead of just
"Running to the buffet to get another plate of crazy"

"For the next 3 to 5 business days"
Moving With Purpose!
And let me know what this
"Empty Box Time" does for you!

Love and Peace of Mind,
Delight and Clarity of Purpose,
to you and those you love,

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