Monday, May 18, 2015


Another part of LIFE

From the moment the urine on the dollar store pregnancy test shows a positive result, there is evidence of a life. 

Unless the circumstances of the pregnancy are traumatic or inopportune or related to someone one would rather not be  co- parenting with... This new person is announced, awaited, and ultimately celebrated at their birth.  

That is a fact.

That's just how we roll.

Everything from the first ultrasound to the first kicking and movement is documented celebrated and shared

Later comes first words first steps first solid foods...
Again we watch and ooooh and aaaah  over all these "firsts".
First day of school first time riding a bike and later... the first dance,   getting braces on then taken off...( both celebrated)   the first time driving the family car. check check check and check


all celebrated and memorialized
in pictures and even in the Christmas newsletter to the family.

Acceptance to college...
Graduations weddings first Apartments, first home Purchased, first babies and grand babies...
And all that come after.

There is the first job the first paycheck
and eventually for some.... retirement.

More grand babies...and trips...

Downsizing and milestone birthdays and anniversaries with friends and family close.

We celebrate every stage and milestone, every victory and challenge faced throughout a persons life.

And yet...when we enter our final event of our physical existence in this body...our death...our being set free from this world and its limitations... We look away.

We pray for the person to either stay longer...
or we pray for a "good death"
A peaceful passing. 

And so often...we look away.

When an older man cries over a war that ended eons ago or over people long past its easy to say  
"It's OK. Don't cry.".

But he finds comfort in honoring them with his tears.

When the man who shared her breath, and table and bed is breathing his last breath, it is a Holy moment, not one to avert
her eyes from.

Lets Celebrate the entirety of a life lived...

With laughter and tears, with stories and sobs
and yes..
even with groans of agony if the parting be truly painful as in the loss of a child or even a much loved loyal pet.

But let's Rock The Space We're In
by not looking away at that moment of Life that means as much as all the others.

Love and delight
Clarity and peace of mind
To You and those you Love,

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