Thursday, April 9, 2015



I am wearing a pin today.
It is shaped like star.
a quirky, silver, 3 and a 1/2 inch star.

It sat in my drawer for years
and was worn occasionally.

It was tarnished.
But I liked it
and I wore it.

If I ordered a steak medium
and it was served well done,
I could eat and enjoy it

If a friend showed up 40 minutes after we'd planned to meet for coffee,
Id be sitting there relishing the peace,
or the people watching or a good book.
and then thoroughly enjoy my visit with them.

If it rains instead of being sunny out,
I enjoy the clean smell of it washing over my day.

You get that I am low maintenance,
and for the most part that ability has served me well in life

Back to the star pin.

I took a couple of my moms rings to Brad at Rogers and Hollands Jewelers before wearing them.
(I had lost a stone from an older ring in the past and it had been uninsured.)

After Brad had cleaned and assessed the wearability of the rings, he said
"Let me see that star pin"

He took it for a couple minutes and when he returned it was shining so brightly that tears ran down my cheeks.

The GIFT Brad gave me in that moment was the realization that while the ability to be content, and grateful for life's kindnesses, and being low maintenance has served me well in a lot of ways,

My LIFE like that star pin doesn't have to remain tarnished.

It was designed to Shine
and completely reflect
all of the light and beauty around it.

I will still find enjoyment in serendipitous moments, challenges, and things that are just not on my favorite things list, but...

 Thank You Brad.
I will no longer ever SETTLE for tarnished
in my life
in my health
in my relationships
in my finances
in my career
in my surroundings.
Because I know that BRILLIANCE is always possible!

this week, by using a bit of spiritual, physical, nutritional or mental Tarn-X
or whatever works for you,
on what ever is making our lives dingy or blurred or less than the degree of dazzling we want to experience in any  moment.

Love and Peace of Mind,
DELIGHT, and Clarity of Purpose,
to You and those you love,

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