Wednesday, February 22, 2012



I saw a line of cars waiting to make a right turn on to a major street in town this morning.

Didn't know what the back up was all about, but usually 3 cars could have turned in the short amount of time I was passing the intersection,
especially with NO oncoming traffic.

Cars were sitting...
and and as I pulled past I saw why.

A Young Black female about 19 years old was crossing the street,
heading to the curb where the cars awaited their chance to turn.

She was WALKING.

with her Head held high,
she was; step by deliberate step,
crossing the busy street at her own pace.

Now, understand...
She was not intentionally delaying traffic...
she was just aware that she had the
"right of Way"
and was not running carelessly to avoid
"pissing people off"
(see yesterdays post)

She may have been heading to the corner to get on the bus to take her to a job where she would be giving her time to people who did not appreciate the services she would render, as in retail, or restaurant, or a phone bank,
but I am QUITE CERTAIN that this young woman would carry herself
with great class and dignity wherever she went, or worked.


Why do SO MANY businesses make no effort to
create an environment of respect for their employees?

Simple tools to make their job more effective and less frustrating
would give the powers that be,
the increased positive attitude they are so often seeking.

Think about the ways YOU may be "CRAWLING" for others
and decide to Stop...

Hold YOUR head high,
Know you are worthy of RESPECT,
and have some Self Respect no matter the task,
or circumstance you are in.

Make the moment your own!

Others will admire and learn from you.

(Oh...and people do NOT honk their horn at people like her)

Love and Clarity of purpose,
DELIGHT and Peace of mind,
to you and those you Love,

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