Thursday, January 19, 2012

Bordering On Magnificent PURPOSE

A Girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do.

But for HOW LONG?

We do what we can
to grow and learn
and experience life lessons
from the circumstances we are in
thru out our life.

That is important.

Learning to do a variety of things,
and to persevere in a particular endeavor whether it is what we truly want to be doing or not.

Example:FRESHMAN ALGEBRA in High School

Other than the Extremely Smart Folks out there... most of the rest of us just kept at it...even through summer school... so we could graduate. But that was a class...with an end in sight...

How long is TOO long to not be using your real gifts and abilities, and making a real living at it?

How long should someone keep doing something that is neither meaningful, nor provides a REAL living?

I think:
Only as long as we are able to

There is a variety of ways to do this.

Focusing on making others feel valued,
making their day with extreme humor,
Making Music, OR "Noises"
Doing the absurd or unexpected,
or "rallying the troops" to do something absurd or unexpected....ETC.

As long as we can keep the Passion alive in some way...we can stay.

For the next 8 Work hours
Let's Rock the Space We're In
by doing something absurd throughout the day that makes others smile.

And let me know how that worked for you!

Love and Clarity of purpose,
DELIGHT and Peace of Mind,
to you and those you love,

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Bordering on Magnificent ASKING (and asking)

Have you ever wanted or needed something and had to ASK for it? Sure! We all have! We need to ask someone because they are not mind readers. "Mom... can I have a cookie?" "Dad, would you give me a ride to the mall?" "Would you marry me?" "Can I have a raise?" "Teacher,... can I go to the washroom?"...Yep... we need to ASK for what we want. "That's Life"!

But there is something to be said for Asking, and not needing to beg.

Maybe it is a small request...
or maybe an ongoing part of your relationship...
maybe it is for someone to pick up their share of the load,
or for something that was promised... Whatever it may be...lets try asking ONCE...with confidence and directness and compelling clarity the first time, and then let the chips fall where they may.

This may involve setting up some boundaries with people...( family, loved ones, co workers, etc.) but let's try having some dignity and self respect here.

After being direct, If someone is taking an inordinately long time to come through on a request...
you are either not a priority,
or they do not want to come through
or are unable to do so.

If your partner,friend or family member "just doesn't get" the things that either delight or bother you...

or makes YOU feel as though you are needy or unreasonable for making a request, it may be time to move on...
at least emotionally
so that YOU are not wasting days
or years on someone
who you are not understood or valued by.

If someone has the desire to be in your life in a meaningful way, they would be noticing and listening and caring about what matters to you...not needing you to ask and ask and ask again for the basics.

That brings us to ATTENTION
You are interesting, valuable, fun, and unique!

Hang out with those who admire and respect you're differences and your dreams.
Doing this one thing WILL give YOU the ENERGY to FOCUS on the things you really WANT and NEED and DESIRE.

It will give you the time and ability to TAKE ACTION on YOUR OWN LIFE

and the AWARENESS of the things you may have been ASKED by others or promised that you meant to make a priority.

FOR THE NEXT 24 HOURS... I am going to
by RESPONDING with Clarity
(and answers)
to those who have had to ASK me more than once to follow through on a request.

Love and Delight

CLARITY of Purpose

and Peace of Mind,
to you
and those you love,

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Bordering On Magnificent Hearing YES!

I said YES when a friend asked to hang out
and eat steaks at his office tonight.

I Heard "YES" Repeatedly Tonight.

Will you please play that song again? ..Yes.

Can you show me how that dance move goes?. . .Yes.

Would you tell me what you think about...? . . .Yes.

Sing that a little louder? ....Yes.

Do you think I can make this a better year...YES Definitely!.

Give me a ride home? Sure.

How do YOU feel when someone says YES to you???

There is an amazing transformation that can occur when someone affirms you.

There is FORWARD movement
when there is a POSITIVE response to small requests.

Seemingly small thoughts that are affirmed
GROW into bigger actions taken.

Being given the tools to succeed,
and having my goals and desires believed in,
and listening to a variety of music I like,
makes me feel HOT,
and Capable,
and Smart.

I have had MAJOR successes in the past week
and the past few months.

But while they were GENIUS...
they were mostly for others.

When I hear YES.

It reminds me,
and drives me to use that same GENIUS

Just a reminder...

REMEMBER that saying YES can create better
and more amazing things in your life.

Especially when you say YES to yourself.

Let's Rock the Space We're In,
by saying YES to ourselves,
and by spending time with those who
say YES!

Love and Peace of mind,
DELIGHT, and Clarity of Purpose,
to you and those you Love,