Monday, July 5, 2010

Bordering On Magnificent SWEAT


That is the most common reaction I've heard to the word sweat,
or in conversations about sweat.

"I feel so YUCKY and SWEATY! "
"ICK!...You're sweaty!"

But last night at a friends house for a cook out and fire works,
I met a kindred spirit who'd rather sweat than freeze.

She loves summer and enjoys the feeling
of being out and about
without air conditioning if necessary,
sweating and LIVING LIFE!

We all wear deodorant or antiperspirant
I mean, this is 2010...
So why look at sweat as bad?
The dead don't sweat!
Sweat means that we are alive and kickin'.

I am NOT making light of any ones
medically debilitating conditions
where they sweat profusely
even in air conditioning, etc.
or where they never get relief...

what I AM saying is that last night
I danced and sweat till I could have dropped,
and felt SO ALIVE!!!!!!!!
And then I poured a cold bottle of water over my hair
and down the back of my neck,
O.M.G. ( as some younger and more "Cali" than I say )
How Refreshing!!!! To sweat, and then cool off!
Extremes CAN be good for the Body
as well as the mind and the spirit.

I mean...

Doesn't sweat add an attractive look
running down a Harley Bikers face and neck?
Don't the Doctor shows on T.V. all show sweat
running off the surgeons forehead as he saved a life?


Who doesn't love the smell of a hard working man,
or a great lover, or a championship winning hockey team?
Did any of those dudes have to go shower before they celebrated?

If you're over 30 and having sweats
they may come with that season of life...

If you're in a mall or at a party or in the grocery store,
at a restaurant, in the car, or even at the dentist,
and you feel a flash coming on,
PLEASE don't say
"It's SO warm in here"


I want you to Lift your head up proudly,
Raise your hand
and do a flourishing "snap" movement in the air,
and Loudly proclaim to your self and anyone within hearing range...

... "I AM SO DAMMMM HOT !!! "

You will probably receive looks of admiration from others
who are trying desperately to stay or at least look cool.
and a few in the amen chorus will probably yell out
that you indeed ARE hot!

Either way...

Let's ROCK THE SPACE WE'RE IN this summer
by ENJOYING THE SWEAT we've earned
from working hard,
playing hard
loving hard,
and best of all

Love and Peace of Mind,
Delight and Clarity of Purpose,
to you and those you love,

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